Regex aka Regular Expressions

Jay Wen
3 min readJun 17, 2020


“Regular expressions are patterns used to match character combinations in strings. In JavaScript, regular expressions are also objects.” — MDN web docs

There’s a saying that goes, ‘face what you fear.’ Every time I looked at regex I cringed because I had no idea what all those forward slashes, back slashes and letters and numbers meant but I decided to face my fear and dive into understanding it.


/i : ignores case of letters

Example:const myString = 'Face what you FEAR!'let ignoreCase = /fear/ilet result = myString.match(ignoreCase)returns true

/g : finds more than the first match

Example:const myString = 'Face what you fear! Your fear does not define you.'let globalRegex = /fear/glet result = myString.match(globalRegex)returns true

^ Place the ^symbol in front of the characters you do not want to match.

Example:const myString = 'Face what you fear!'let regex = /[^f]/gi let result = myString.match(regex)returns ["a", "c", "e", " ", "w", "h", "a", "t", " ", "y", "o", "u", " ", "e", "a", "r", "!"]

^ symbol also allows you to search for characters in the beginning of strings. You will remove the square brackets for this.

Example:const myString = 'Face what you fear!'let regex = /^face/ilet result = regex.test(myString)returns true

+ symbol matches characters or groups of characters that appear more than one time in a row.

Example:const word = 'Succulent!'let regex = /[c+]/glet result = word.match(regex)returns cc

$ symbol searches for characters at the end of the string

Example:const string = 'Succulents are drought tolerant'let regex = /tolerant$/let result = regex.test(string)returns true

* symbol matches characters that appear zero or more times

let word = 'wooooohoo!'
let animal = 'wombat'
let mistake = 'whoops'
let regex = /wo*/
word.match(regex) // returns 'wooooo'
animal.match(regex) // returns 'wo'
mistake.match(regex) // returns 'w'

[a-z0–9] and /\w/ are the same which allows you to match letters a-z and numbers 0–9. /\w/ is the shortcut version. This was the most confusing for me to look at but now I have solved the mystery!

let longWay = /[A-Za-z0-9_]+/
let shortWay = /\w+/
let num = '100'
let thing = 'something'
longWay.test(num) // returns true
shortWay.test(num) // returns true
longWay.test(thing) // returns true
shortWay.test(thing) // returns true

[^A-Za-z0–9_] is the same as \W. It allows you to find what is non-alphanumeric.

let shortWay = /\W/
let num = '100%'
let thing = 'something?'
num.match(shortWay) // returns %
thing.match(shortWay) //returns ?

\d is a shortcut version to look for digits only

let string = 'We live in the year 2020.'
let regex = /\d/g
string.match(regex) // returns 2020

\D is a shortcut that looks for non-digit characters

let string = 'We live in the year 2020.'
let regex = /\D/g
string.match(regex) // returns 'We live in the year .'

\s looks for whitespaces or spaces

let string = 'How many whitespaces does this sentence have?'
let regex = /\s/g
string.match(regex).length // returns 6

\S returns for non-whitespaces

let string = 'How many whitespaces does this sentence have?'
let regex = /\S/g
string.match(regex).length // returns 39

There are a few more characters but these are the basics. Finally, these random numbers and letters make a little bit more sense. It will take a little bit of practice to get used to but it can prove to be helpful when solving algorithms that require regex.



Jay Wen
Jay Wen

Written by Jay Wen

Hey! I’m a full stack software engineer. Here’s where I document my technical learning and any tips/skills I can share as I continue to learn. :)

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