Have you ever seen a more experienced coder with more tools and tricks when they code? It’s not a huge secret… just add some new extensions into your text editor.
At Flatiron School, most of us have adopted Visual Studio Code as our text editor. Here are some helpful extensions you can install to help your coding journey go a little smoother.
HTML Snippets: When you type a beginning of a tag, it also helps add a closing tag for you!
Bracket Pair Colorizer: This one may be a LIFE SAVER. The struggle is REAL when switching from Ruby to JavaScript and you don’t know if you forgot a bracket, need a bracket, etc. This extension makes your brackets a different color and also creates a line that shows you where your brackets begin and end.
Markdown Lint: This extension triggers a warning green color based on a set of rules. You can also hover over the colored word to see the error.
Prettier (Esben Peterson): This will take your existing code and parse it and reprint your code into something…. prettier. This extension has it’s own rules and will consider maximum line length and code wrapping.
ERB Formatter/Beautify: Help with indenting and formatting your code in ERB files.
Auto Rename Tag (Jun Han): Ever need to change a tag name? This extension will help you change both the beginning and end tag so you don’t have to worry if they don’t match!
Do you have any extensions that you’ve found to be extremely helpful?
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